SLA Logistics

Reducing Environmental Impact of Transport Logistics

Rethinking your logistics – the planning and implementation of moving goods and supplying services helps in improving your systems and is beneficial for your business in reducing impact on the environment.

It makes sense to have a central distribution center when your business is making and receiving deliveries to and from a warehouse. This could be cost-effective and has less environmental impact than a scattered distribution system. Moving freight by rail or water instead of road helps reduce the environmental impact of logistics.

Fuel accounts for minimum 30 per cent of operating costs of most road freight transport operations, so freight companies need to start by improving fuel management, especially with rising fuel costs. To reduce carbon footprint further companies should consider the journeys that suppliers of goods and services take from your premises.

Supporting employees in planning their journeys efficiently and encouraging them to drive safely helps reduce fuel costs and improve the environmental and safety performance of your business –  using work vehicles efficiently.

SLA Logistics is extending core shipping services to the global agency networks, affiliated associations and local merchants who are trusted patrons to our services.

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JAFZA, Dubai, UAE.