Today we discuss a topic less treaded especially by an industry, such as ours. Mental health issues are rising due to pressure of an increasing demanding work culture. We know one has a good work-life balance when one feels fulfilled in both areas of their life. When one is able to meet their deadlines at work while still having time for friends and hobbies, getting proper sleep and eating well and not having to worry about work when they are at home.
Though it may not always be possible to make changes at work. Recent research suggests regular check-up of ones work-life balance by following few steps.
Individuals needs to ask themselves, what is causing them stress, anxiety / unhappiness? And if it effects their work and personal life? What are they prioritizing? What are they losing out on? They often don’t take the time to reflect on work until there’s a major life event such as the birth of a child or the loss of someone close to us.
Pay attention to your feelings.
After becoming aware of their current situation, how does it make them feel? Do they feel fulfilled and happy, or upset and resentful? Being aware of feelings can help them decide what changes they want to make.
Help yourself
It can be a challenge to stand up for oneself at work if one has an unstable job or is worried about losing their job. One has to ‘work smart, not long’. This includes prioritizing oneself by allowing a certain amount of time per task – and avoiding getting caught up in less productive things, for instance – unstructured meetings.
Help at the workplace
Managers and workplace also play a role. They must:
Encourage a culture of openness so individuals can speak up if feeling pressured
Train managers to spot stress and poor work-life balance
Allowing flexibility and remote working whenever possible
Encourage breaks, whether that’s during the working day or via annual leaveEncourage stress-relieving activities such as lunchtime exercise or relaxation classes