Few days ago, the UK government revealed further delays in the implementation of export health certificates, sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) certificates plus safety and security declarations for goods imported from the EU, which raised criticism across the nation.
Brokers, forwarders, retailers, and ports, seem to be ready, however, sources commented that the UK government is still not ready, causing delays in Brexit customs procedure implementation.
People in the logistics industry are having mixed opinions. Some have welcomed the decision while others feel that the delays are making things tedious in terms of delayed deadlines. Pre-notification of SPS goods will be introduced in January 2022 now, instead of next month, with 1st of July, 2022 as the first date for export health and SPS certificates, physical checks on SPS goods at border control posts (BCPs), and safety and security declarations.
Minister of state for the Cabinet Office believes that this will give businesses more time to prepare for these controls which will be phased in throughout 2022. He feels that businesses require to pay attention towards their recovery from the pandemic than dealing with new set of rules at the border.
But does the industry really need’s the delay? The government is being blamed for an unplanned method that has left them unprepared.
EU companies were unhappy with Brexit – now they are “happy” with further delays to checks on EU imports – as per spokesperson for a French forwarder.
Problems arising from import customs usually effects the importing country, hence the custom checks will effect UK supply chain (not EU’s). When checks will be applied, they will create side effects for truckers, truck rotations, stock levels, leading to increase of selling price by EU. Longer the UK delays checks – better it maybe for everyone, as per the spokesperson.
Evidently delays are great for EU firms, however UK companies are objecting to the delays stating that these are generating uncertainty and more costs.
Head of international policy at Logistics UK, mentioned that further delays are simply mounting more pressure on businesses that worked to two, subsequently delayed, deadlines already. It is penalizing companies that invested their funds and time in preparing themselves for their readiness journey. They need guarantee that the new timetable will be adhered to.