Impact of European Commission’s ‘Fit for 55” Legislative Package

Launched over a week ago European Commission’s Fit for 55 legislative package aims to essentially overtake the EU’s climate policy architecture and put the EU inline to deliver on its 2030 climate target, which will turn 2020s into a transformative decade for climate action. This comes with implications on public health and environment. Fit for 55 proposals would help achieve climate neutrality by 2050 by decarbonisation of Europe’s economy (if agreed and implemented) otherwise under current EU climate legislation, Europe will only achieve 60% of it.

12 pieces of legislation, all interconnected and complementing each-other, aim at ensuring reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) by EU by at least 55% by 2030 compared to 1990 levels. These proposals may have strong impact on all the sectors, particularly on transport and heating, two fields the EU has struggled to decarbonise. There will be new standards for every industry linked to mobility. By 2050, the transport sector will require to cut emissions by 90%

It involves revision to CO2 emission performance standards for cars and vans. Besides, new fuel regulations for the aviation and maritime sectors, plus the review of the Emissions Trading System, which is expected to be expanded to include road transport and buildings. There will be new arrangement of infrastructure for substitute fuels, such as charging stations for e-vehicle. The directives of clean energy will outline targets for sharing renewable energy in transport, which are definitely of interest. Commission has proposed a 55% reduction of emissions from cars and 50% reduction from vans by 2030, in comparison to 2021 besides proposing an ambitious 2035 deadline for ending the sale of petrol and diesel vehicles. Plenty of action will be required from the EU to deal with air pollution and Green House Gas emissions. All conventional fossil fuel-powered cars will end  by 2028 and all petrol & diesel cars are expected to phase out by 2045. We do have an increased awareness in public about health and harmful effects of our car focused cities. The new legislation will direct leaders to create more people centred communities.

If the Fit for 55 proposals are passed, freight shipping and road transport would become subject to emissions controls, while the sale of all new petrol and diesel cars in the EU would be banned in 2035.

The companies will be required to pay for their emissions by purchasing carbon credits. 

Without doubt, it is a complex package that proposes some steps in the right direction, however there still remain areas in which the ambition should be higher. There needs to be stronger commitment intending towards zero pollution and cleaner air quality. 

For sure, this legislative package requires additional efforts from all the European institutions and governments, with immediate effect! 

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